Please read before contacting us:
Most frequently asked questions can be answered directly in the app, just tap Control Panel -> Help/FAQ
Bitcoin Cash Giveaway:
We send Bitcoin Cash BCH on-chain to any Bitcoin Cash wallet, you can find a
wallet here.
Do not register a BTC wallet address, any Bitcoin Cash transactions will not show in a BTC wallet and may be lost forever.
Payouts are automatic, every Tuesday we pay out all accounts that on Monday night had a registered BCH wallet address and a balance higher or equal to the minimum payout threshold.
By default the minimum payout is 20,000 Satoshi, this may be changed under Control Panel - Payment Treshold.
All rewards, the balance displayed in the app, and what we send are Bitcoin Cash BCH satoshis.
F.ex 10,000 Satoshi = 0.00010000 BCH
You can use
this converter to convert the estimated value of Bitcoin Cash BCH in other currencies.
Litecoin Giveaway:
We send Litecoin on-chain to any Litecoin wallet, you can find a
wallet here.
Payouts are automatic, every Tuesday we pay out all accounts that on Monday night had a registered LTC wallet address and a balance higher or equal to the minimum payout threshold.
By default the minimum payout is 100,000 Litoshi (0.001 LTC), this may be changed under Control Panel - Payment Treshold.
Both apps:
Avoid exchanges and wallet services where you don't hold your own private keys, we send small amounts which may get confiscated by these services due to a minimum deposit amount or for other reasons.
We are not affiliated with any wallet software or service, if you are having any problems with your wallet you'll need to contact them.
If the app said you got paid out but you don't see the transaction in your wallet:
Look up your BCH wallet address on a
Bitcoin Cash Explorer, or your LTC wallet on a
Litecoin Explorer
If you are using a wallet service or exchange, transaction may be delayed up to 6 hours to wait for block confirmations on their end.
Some exchanges and services confiscate any transaction smaller than a certain amount, contact them and make sure they don't have a minimum deposit amount higher than your selected payment threshold.
If you are using a standard wallet, make sure it's up to date and completely synchronized with the blockchain, then contact your wallets support or development team if you still can't see the transaction.
Changing registered wallet address:
Tap control panel, if you have a pen/edit icon next to your registered wallet address, just tap that to change it.
If you have a lock icon next to your registered wallet address, tap 'Request Code' and we'll send a code to your email address which you can enter to unlock wallet changes.
Still having trouble with our apps? Contact us to let us know.
Please provide all information that may help, write clearly, and in English.